Tag: Microclimate

  • Balcony Microclimate – Querying Meteorological Data

    Querying the open data source for meteorological data in my vicinity is done using a python script. The data is saved in an SQLite database. Interfacing with the database as well as migrations were done with SQLAlchemy. The data is available at https://opendata.swiss/de/dataset/messwerte-lufttemperatur-2-m-10-min-mittel/resource/09066670-000d-4de5-aafc-99d040b25089 https://opendata.swiss/de/dataset/messwerte-relative-luftfeuchtigkeit-10-min-mittel/ New data points are available every 10 minutes. Data points are…

  • Balcony Microclimate – Hardware

    Sensors Temperature and humidity The temperature measurement is done by a DHT22 sensor. (https://www.adafruit.com/product/385) This is accurate to +- 0.5 °C which is more than good enough for my use. The sensor is contained in a shield. This protects the sensor from direct sunlight as well as drops of moisture. In a preliminary measurement, temperature…

  • Balcony Micro Climate – Introduction

    I started measuring meteorological data on my balcony out of curiosity and comparing it to professionally gathered data from a nearby weather station. What do I want to answer? How different are the temperature and humidity between my balcony and a nearby (~ 2 km distance as the crow flies) meteorological weather station. How large…