Balcony Microclimate – Results and Conclusion
At some point I stopped caring how pretty the plots are to get the post out of the door. Sources are available: https://github.com/AndreasMeier12/meteogetter Larger versions of the line plots are available on imgur and linked. Results These are the results from March 2022 to October 2022. This is roughly one growing season and the time…
Balcony Microclimate – Querying Meteorological Data
Querying the open data source for meteorological data in my vicinity is done using a python script. The data is saved in an SQLite database. Interfacing with the database as well as migrations were done with SQLAlchemy. The data is available at https://opendata.swiss/de/dataset/messwerte-lufttemperatur-2-m-10-min-mittel/resource/09066670-000d-4de5-aafc-99d040b25089 https://opendata.swiss/de/dataset/messwerte-relative-luftfeuchtigkeit-10-min-mittel/ New data points are available every 10 minutes. Data points are…
Balcony Microclimate – Hardware
Sensors Temperature and humidity The temperature measurement is done by a DHT22 sensor. (https://www.adafruit.com/product/385) This is accurate to +- 0.5 °C which is more than good enough for my use. The sensor is contained in a shield. This protects the sensor from direct sunlight as well as drops of moisture. In a preliminary measurement, temperature…
Balcony Micro Climate – Introduction
I started measuring meteorological data on my balcony out of curiosity and comparing it to professionally gathered data from a nearby weather station. What do I want to answer? How different are the temperature and humidity between my balcony and a nearby (~ 2 km distance as the crow flies) meteorological weather station. How large…
Poschti – A Offline-Capable Mobile Shopping List
What is Poschti? Poschti is a shopping list for Android(Poschtizettel) with an optional server and web interface(Poschtiserver). The server allows for distributed use of the shopping list. It is also a learning project I expanded after a while to include more utility for myself and more learning. This explanation is an overview, anyone is of…
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